Here’s the most important thing to know about us: we operate under the ethos of mutuality. It’s a unique business model, and it means we don’t answer to investors on the stock exchange. We also don’t have customers – we have members. When you’re a member of glu you have a stake in our business, because we share our profits with you.
Togetherness is our thing, especially when it comes to finance. Stick with us and you’ll never have the stress and anxiety of facing your financial planning alone. Instead of being self-made, how about being us-made and sharing the profits when we succeed? Think of it as financial services, the ubuntu way.
Meet our leadership team
Michele Jennings
Chief Executive
Jeshan Gajathar
Chief Financial Officer
Sibusiso Mbingo
Chief Information Officer
Thembeka Mabaso
Chief Marketing and PR Officer
Marusha Nariansamy
Head of Actuarial
Barry Pretorius
National Head: Distribution