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Car Insurance

Life’s a journey, so enjoy a safer ride with us.

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Adding value on top of value.

Hey there, wheeler-dealer.

From replacing your lost car keys to beefing up security at your event, never has an insurance company added so much value to your life. And then of course, there’s the way that your Profit-Share allocation increases with every glu product you take out. Pretty good deal.

Why go with glu for your car insurance?

Because we’re unlike any other insurance company. We offer our members comprehensive, quality, tailor-made products that include the peace of mind of third-party theft and fire; and the agility of flexible excess on vehicle, home contents and building sections. But we also offer what you won’t find elsewhere: the shared benefits of mutuality.

Loss of keys

The cost of replacing locks and keys is on us for up to R20 000. Subject to the terms, limits and conditions of the policy

Delivery after repairs

We’ll cover any costs incurred in getting the vehicle delivered to your home address. Subject to the terms, limits and conditions of the policy

Tow-in and safeguarding

We’ll cover the combined cost for towing, moving and storage of your vehicle after an accident. Subject to the terms, limits and conditions of the policy

Rental vehicle excess

After a claim, if your rented vehicle is stolen or damaged while in use, we’ll pay the difference in excess cover up to R5 000. Subject to the terms, limits and conditions of the policy

Life’s a journey, so enjoy a safer ride with us.

Thinking beyond just today, beyond just yourself…that’s what mutuality is all about. With glu, you insure to ensure. Ensure your family’s security. Ensure your future prosperity. Ensure your share of our performance, thanks to your Profit-Share policy. Mutuality has many benefits, that’s for sure. To qualify for Profit-Share on your short-term policy, you must also hold a Life Insurance product.

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